Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Jayanthi Sekar's Professional Journey

Jayanthi Sekar

433 Shoreham Street, Sheffield, UK, S2 4FB

Ph: 0044-7424756392. Email:

I am a self-determined, confident Software Engineer, currently pursuing Masters in Advanced Software Engineering at ‘The University of Sheffield’, UK. I am also a software developer and testing professional at ‘Genesys Solutions’, a student run software company of the University. I possess an overall industry exposure of about 3 years and 6 months. I like to enjoy working and hence, I’m looking for a job either in Microsoft Dynamics AX or, in web development to keep my passion driven. I aspire to learn from the best and serve the best. Hence, I wish to seek job with an organization that could give me a comfortable space to enhance my technical and professional skills while serving the best energy and effort of mine.


Platforms: Ubuntu 10.10 through 11.04, Windows 98 through 7, Mac OS, Linux

Frameworks: Rails framework, Grails framework based on Spring and Hibernate, .Net Framework

ERP: Microsoft Dynamics - Axapta 5.0, 4.0.

Version control: Bazzar

Database: SQL Server 2005

Technology/Languages: Ruby on Rails, Groovy on Grails, Java, Python, Asp.Net, C#.Net, C, C++

Dynamics Programming: X++

Tools: MorphX IDE for AX, Rational Rose, NetBeans, Eclipse, KomodoEdit 7, Geany, Gedit IDE

Documentation Tools: Latex, Biptex, JabRef

Testing Tools: Cucumber 1.0.0, RSpec


Microsoft Business Solutions

(MB6-819) – Microsoft Dynamics AX 5.0 – Development Introduction

(MB6-819) – Microsoft Dynamics AX 4.0 – Development Introduction

Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist

(70-528) TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 - Web-based Client Development

(70-536) TS: Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 - Application Development Foundation


The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK

M.Sc.(Engg) Advanced Software Engineering (ASE) - Expected Merit (2:1 grade) -- September 2011

Major Coursework:

Genesys -------------------Java ----------------------Machine Learning Foundations-------Natural Language Processing

The Intelligent Web---- Java E-commerce------Safety Critical Software Systems-----Software Measurement and Testing

Anna University, R.M.K Engineering College, Chennai, India

B.Tech.---------- Information Technology (I.T.) ------------------------------------------------------------71.9% ------------ May 2007

Bentinck Higher Secondary School, Chennai, India ------------------H.Sc. (MPCB) ----------69.9%------------ March 2003

Seetha Kingston House Matric. Hr.Sec. School, Chennai, India ---S.S.L.C. -------------------80.3%-------------April 2001


Genesys Solutions, Sheffield, UK - September 2010 – Till Date

Project 4: Gyan Scientia – The Knowledge Base - Software Developer and Tester

Gyan Scientia is a knowledge base training application and is an ongoing project. The aim of the project is to enable the training processes to be easier for the students undertaking industry experience oriented courses such as Genesys, Software hut and Crossover of The University of Sheffield. The client of Scientia Gyan Base is EpiGenesys - Sheffield, UK. The project is being developed in Ruby on Rails technology. I am involved in the design, development and testing of the application. During this course I am enhancing my programming skills by making use of good object oriented design and following test driven development. I am learning to use gem files for customizing the specifications of the project such as file upload/download, sending email notifications and file archiving. I’m following the best practices and coding standards to ensure modular programming get easier.

Project 3: Online Writing Advisory Services (WAS) – Booking System - Tester

WAS is developed for the English Language Teaching Center (ELTC, Sheffield) to improve the writing skills of both home and international students. The website is implemented in Ruby on Rails following the Agile Development methodologies. The purpose of the system is to provide an online portal for students to book appointments with teachers and to help the receptionist to book appointments on behalf of students approaching the desk. As a tester, I was involved in performing automated testing by writing Cucumber feature files and step files for the Controllers and ensuring Rspec validations for the models. I learnt the working principle of fake browsers like Capybara.

Project 2: Visitor Log System - Tester

The VLS is a practice project run by Genesys solutions to give an opportunity for the students undertaking Genesys course at The University of Sheffield to learn Ruby on Rails technology and the automated testing. This provided the foundation for automated testing and the confidence to work with the above mentioned real time client projects.

Project 1: Poker Web - Software Developer

The poker web application is a practice application which induced my interest to learn Ruby on Rails technology. This application provided the initial experience of working with Model View Controllers (MVC) framework, which goes well in designing and implementing web applications.

Mahindra Satyam (Satyam Computer Services Ltd.), Chennai - October 2007 – July 2010

Software Developer and Technical Consultant - September 2009 – July 2010

Project 4: Department of Motor Vehicles (U.S.) - POC - Jan 2010 – July 2010

The Department of Motor Vehicles (or DMV) is a state-level government agency in US that administers vehicle registration and driver licensing for the continued benefit of U.S. citizens. DMV administers and provide services related to Motor vehicle and tax laws, Motor vehicle titling and licensing laws and other motor vehicle-related laws .This POC involves integration of ASP.Net with Microsoft Dynamics Axapta via .Net Business Connector. The main focus of this POC is on registration of Customer details, Vehicle Details, Title and Number Plate. This is a group project consisting of 4 members. I was involved in the implementation of Title Registration, Plate registration and Customer Registration customizations under Inventory Management, Account Receivable and Account Payable modules in AX 5.0 with Asp.Net by accessing Axapta database via .Net Business Connector. I also performed pre-project analysis in identifying the Application Programming Interface that could be best suited to various kinds of Application Integration Framework that can be compatible with Axapta like BizTalk, .Net Business Connector, etc.

Project 3: MS Dynamics AX Customization for Leather SAAS (POC) – Team Member - Sept 2009-Jan 2010

The Project is an Industry Builder Initiative SAAS (Software As A Service) solution for Leather Vertical. It involves the functionalities of Inventory management, BOM, Sales Purchase, Planning and Production modules. The solution is designed by the analysis of IT requirements made by PricewaterhouseCoopers in Indian Leather Clusters, for Microsoft India done by Satyam Computer Services Limited. for the contracting and sub contracting companies, which produce full shoe & shoe uppers, who either export directly or serve as a contractor for a large exporter. Each and every process of the leather clusters are maintained at various stages in various modules of AX like Master Planning, Production, Inventory Management, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable and Quarantine Management. I was involved in development of BOM and the customization of Leather Arrival Slip.

Project 2: XMART (Super Mart) – Software Engineer Trainee - October 2007-August 2009

The project deals with designing a system for the Banking Department of XMART (a chain of supermarkets). I developed the module for Admin Banking and the Registration module for a new customer. This is a group project consisting of 8 members.

Project 1: EMALL - Software Engineer Trainee - October 2007-August 2009

I created a website in C#.Net that enables a customer to place an order. It consists of Inventory Management functionalities like verifying the availability of goods, shipping it to the concerned address and Invoicing. This is an individual project. Both the projects (1 and 2) were developed in Asp.Net and are currently used by Satyam Learning Center, Bangalore.


  • JAVABUG – A Termite Colony Simulator: Designed, implemented and tested a Java Simulator that could be used for artificial life research. This application allows investigation of the global behavior that emerges in an environment where simulated termites and predators act according to simple rules.

  • Building a Search Engine (Web Crawler): Built a crawler in Java that is able to access site pages of any type, including HTML, XML, etc. Also followed the rules in “Guidelines for Spider Writers” to be a good net citizen. The crawler is controllable by options start, pause, resume and stop. It is implemented in two interfaces and works via the API even if the user interface is not opened.

  • Annotating Information for the Semantic Web: A program is implemented in Java using Jena framework to extract information from XML pages of the website crawled by the above mentioned web crawler. The information extracted is represented as RDF triples. This information is integrated with the additional information extracted from DBpedia. Also the tweets about a specific artist are collected by making use of twitter4j package. The Google maps API is used to display the location captured in the triples. Finally all these information are presented in a static webpage about the artist with the respective tweets collected about the artist including the location details.

  • Building a E-commerce (Online Journal) Website: Developed the website along with team of 3 members in the Groovy on Grails technology. The project involved customization of users with different privileges and allow access to respective web pages according to the roles. I contributed in the entire cycle involved in publishing of articles.

  • As a member of VScribe, I have scribed for many blind students. I’m a member of True Hearts 360, an NGO.

  • Member of The Sheffield Ruby User Group, Sheffield, UK

  • Have been the cultural secretary during under graduation and the Entertainment Minister, Class Representative during schooling. Also won several dance competitions including Choreo Nite- IIT SAARANG 2008 and group music competitions, painting competitions, poetry writing, solo dance competitions, etc.

REFERENCES: Available on request